Although the real estate market has changed there is still lots of opportunities to purchase a house. There are several downpayment assistance programs available to help with your downpayment. Many sellers are offering concessions to help with closing costs. If you have the finances and the credit scores to move forward with securing a house for you and your family I highly recommend it. The market has slowed down quite a bit but the demand is still there. If purchasing a house is on your bucket list you should interview 2-3 agents and find one that you like and trust. you can start by looking at their social media page and you will get an idea on if that person will be a match for you. The Realtor that you choose might be working with you for a while so make sure you like your agent. Once you find an agent your agent will refer you to a lender. It is advisable to use the agent’s lender because the agent would not send you to a lender that they didn’t trust. If your credit scores are to low the lender will let you know what to do to bring your credit scores up so you can get pre-approved for a loan. Your pre-approval letter from a lender is what you need to start your home search. Don’t start looking at houses until you know how much money you are pre-approved for…doing it this way you will know your price point. Make sure you ask a lot of questions so you will know what’s going on. Good luck with your home search. if you have any questions reach out to me at (623)383-2337
There is still opportunities to purchase a house
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